November 22, 2009

I live with Hussey's and caught the floozy

Now that I am recovered from my bout with the flu (try it! It's fun! Really!) I am starting to think about Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays, a close second to Xmas.  I love that in the midst of the holiday dense end of the year there is one holiday that centers around food, and family, and being thankful.  To me, Thanksgiving isn't just about the food.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Thanksgiving food, but something about spending time with family is nice.  Spending that time enjoying good food, and good company really makes you thankful for both.  And despite the fact that I, and those I love, have had a hard year, we still have a lot to be thankful for.  Nice homes, and loving families, and good friends to help us through those tough times.  And especially when it's been a hard year, I think it's important to not gloss over the holiday that's focused on giving time, and thanks, not presents.

That being said, I am excited about decorating my new house. Next week.

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