August 31, 2008


Well, I have made some inroads into the pirate afghan. The current plan, which I think I like, is to make a shit load of squares in black and white, with one skull and crossbones square in each corner. This thing is going to be massive, but the Yeti wanted snuggling/blanket burrito-ing room, which when you're 6'2" means a LOT of squares. Each one is 48 x 56 sts on size 7's. I'm using cheapo One Pound acrylic. When its going to be this big, and its just for us, I can be cheap. I'm debating putting pink skulls on on half, but I don't know yet. I'm about one and a half strips in, and I'm guessing I'm going to need about 10 across, as I want it to cover our queen bed.

In other news, I KNIT A SOCK. Despite the plethora of sock patterns on Ravelry, I have resisted, for the large part because I hate dpn's. Well, I have discovered what I honestly believe to be a gift from a higher being/God/Zeus/Great Mother, whatever. The Magic Loop method. I know, its old, not new, whatever. But it's freaking awesome. And here, in all its glory, is my sock.
I used some KnitPicks wool of the andes I had lying around, and its nice and soft. I should have used stitch markers, and the beginning of my round changed about 3 times as a result of my refusal to use them, but it is still a perfectly wearable sock, and I am quite proud of myself. I don't know if I am going to become addicted to sock making or not, but it was enjoyable to learn a new thing.

Next up: 1. pillow covers for my couch throw pillows. Of my own design.
2. Cunt clutch for Katie.
3. Finish my flipping Noni bag already!

August 8, 2008

New start (and yes, this is a loaded title)

So the move is completed. The yarn is unpacked. Which means...

You guessed it, a new project. Or rather the umpteenth incarnation of an old one. New variation of the pirate-ghan. Pictures will be posted if this one sticks for more than 52 hours. Promise.