April 28, 2011

The Towel Bar Dilemma

As I think I have mentioned before, I have a tendency to get a bug up my ass about something totally random, and just dive in without thinking it through all the way, like the aforementioned closet reorganization.  So occasionally, poor Sean will come home to me either exultantly wanting to show off what I did, or with the “Ummm, baby?”, which he has come to know precedes me telling him something that is probably going to be something I fucked up or that he needs to fix. Well. This leads me to the towel bars, which luckily was not an "Don't kill me, but.." moment. 

Partly because the linen closet is full of other stuff, and partly because it’s halfway across the house, we don’t keep any of our towels there. Meaning they are all in our bathroom. The same brain impulse that compels us to have our clothes in plain sight (I like to claim it’s being right brained, not sheer laziness), also means we rarely, if ever, have neatly folded towels artfully hanging on bars. We are hook people. So in our fairly small (very small by master bath standards) bathroom, the two towel bars just seemed superfluous. Every time I sat down to pee, I would stare at the consistently empty towel bar and think to myself, ‘Hey Eleanor. Just take that fucker down. You’re not using it, and it makes it look like you’re some sort of weird non-bathing slob’.  Which I assure you, we are not. So a couple of weeks ago, I busted out the screwdriver and took one of them down. No, I didn’t totally think this plan through. But it worked out okay. Plus, ignoring the fact that there are now holes in the wall from the dry wall anchors (don’t worry Mom, they’re going to be patched), I think it looks much better. The original plan was to buy trusty sticky hooks, but I was wandering through the dollar store and found an over the door hook thingie. These have worked well for us in the past, and it was some staggeringly large total, like $2 or something. So far, this new arrangement is working. We’re no longer hanging towels on doors, and I’m not taunted by a towel bar any longer.  The one near the sink is soon going to fall prey to my trusty pink screwdriver as well, but I think I am going to replace that one with one of those ring things. Replacing the medicine cabinet with something less crooked is on the docket as well, but that one requires some repainting. Baby steps seems to be the theme of our house projects.

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