So I've been a busy bee this spring. Helping the pseudo-SIL move,doing house stuff. Working on the garden. A trip to Ikea meant that many house things were dealt with. Our front room is starting to look great! As long as it stays clean (haha, yeah right). Anyway, this is going to be picture heavy but I want to share!
I would post a before shot, but I don't have any other than the one I took when we closed, and it's just an empty room, and that seems silly. So I shall post the recent ones. Ignore the clutter, that's still a work in progress.
This would be the end tables we got at our couch that we don't really like, and haven't found a good place for. They look great in here! And the rug is my $20 Ikea find.
There's even some knitting content! Well, it is my house, so this is likely not surprising. The one on the far right is just a skull intarsia chart. It normally lives in Sean's gaming corner, but it works in here too. The one next to that is sort of ruched, has a really cool texture to it, and is by far my favorite. Then the one on the far left is based on a Wooly Thoughts design that I saw on Ravelry. I might still buy/make a couple more, but for now that's what I got.
There are also some framed postcard things I bought at Ikea hanging above the loveseat. I'm actually pretty damn happy with it.
More house updates to come soon, along with knitting galore!
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