July 18, 2011

Sometimes I throw random foods in a bowl and call it dinner.

Thanks to the bounty that is other peoples gardens (hi friends, hi pseudoMIL!), I have veggies coming out of my ears. Zucchini the size of whiffle ball bats, and tomatoes the size of the coordinating whiffle balls (side note, wtf is a whiffle?). Over achieving basil plants. So I concocted this dish to use up some of them. It’s really not terribly exciting, but it tasted good, and it used up some of these veggies, and it tasted good.

Orzo with Assorted Delicious Things
Roasted veggies (this time I used tomatoes, squash and zucchini)
Orzo, about a cup or so
Shrimp; 10ish small ones. I keep a bag of the frozen kind in my freezer. Yes, fresh would be better, but these work fine.
Feta (those little baby mozzarella balls would be tasty as well. I just have a mild feta addiction)

Roast whatever veggies you want to be using. I just tossed mine with some olive oil and salt, then stuck them in the oven at 400 until they were soft. My tomatoes got squishy, but I just used them as a kind of sauce, so it worked out.  Saute your shrimp until done and delightfully pink. Toss veggies, shrimp, and orzo together. Stir in some feta, oregano, and some fresh basil if you have some kicking around, or whatever spices make you say whee. I made a TON of roasted veggies, and what I don’t use tonight I’m going to throw on pizza, and then probably put the rest in some tomato sauce to use later. There may be attempts to can. Depends on how adventurous I feel this weekend.