Okay so I'm a couple of days late, but whatever. Figured I would do the obligatory "Here's a list of things I am going to say I will accomplish this year and in actuality won't do a single fucking one" post. Except I'm ALREADY doing mine.
New Year's Resolutions:
1. Not say shit like "I will be SO MUCH HAPPIER if I just lose 10 lbs", or "Everything will be so much better if I do XYZ", because quite frankly, it's not true. And it just gives me something stupid to stress about
2. I will get this house organized how we want it. I'm tired of never being able to find anything, and having stuff laying around everywhere.
To this end, I've already moved some stuff to the giveaway pile/storage in the garage, started cleaning and organizing our closet, finally hung the spice rack and started rearranging the kitchen. It's going to take awhile, but if I do a little bit at a time, I can get it done. The theory i have is my head is that if I get it done, it will be easier to keep that way.