So the Thanksgiving holiday frenzy is over, and we're in that very brief calm before the Xmas rush totally begins. I am now going to proceed to make you all hate me.
I am almost entirely done with my xmas shopping. I have a few things left to make, and I am done. And one of those can technically wait until after Xmas. But yeah. A few VERY small things, and a couple of very easy things, and I am DONE.
But, I can't post pics until after Kissmoose, lest I ruin someones surprise. That would be a tragedy. So instead I will post a 'recipe'. As I am sure has been noticed, I (and Sean) tend to be the throw shit in until it tastes good type of cook. Some foods lend itself to this, others don't. An example of that is chili. And that, my dears, is what is simmering away happily on our stove right now. And here, in all it's convoluted glory, is what we did. This time.
The cast of characters:
1 lb or so of ground beef
1 lb sausage (we used hot)
2 smallish onions, diced up pretty small
2 green peppers, again, small
big can of crushed 'maters
chili beans
kidney bean
white northern beans
some garlic
some chili powder
some garlic powder (what, I like garlic!)
smoked salt
regular old salt
few shakes of Tabasco if you're feeling frisky
Cook up your meat. Don't drain it. Fat is flavour. Get over it. Throw your onions and garlic in with the meat. Drain all the beans and put them in the pot. Put in all your spices. Cook for a few minutes. Put in whatever is listed that you haven't put in yet. Pour in some salsa when Sean isn't looking. Taste. A little while later wander back into the kitchen and hack up some smoked potatos from dinner the other night and throw them in. If you happen to be Sean, gripe that Eleanor turned the heat up cause she's impatient and hungry. Taste. Wander away for a little while longer, watch National Geographic. Taste some more. Whenever you can't handle it anymore, turn it off, top however you desire and eat. Eat lots.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how we made chili tonight. Apparently, we are going to be eating chili a lot in the new year because Sean wants to enter the Chili Cook-off.
Next up, I attempt to make chicken enchilada casserole. Cause wrapping up those little buggers is a PAIN!