December 25, 2008

I'm a knitting machine...

Well I finally finished Katie and Anthony's wedding afghan. They got in married in October, but it simply wasn't done, so they're getting it for Christmas.

Mods: I think the pattern meant you to pick up and knit stitches, and I just picked them up. It meant that each side has lines of color joining, but it gives an interesting effect where there's no right or wrong side.

For the border, it also wanted to you basically carry stitches along while do the decreasing squares. I didn't want to do this, so I bound of squares as I finished rows. I think went back and picked up stitches along each side, each side a different color. Then did a round of single crochet in the tan. Gave a nice unifying effect I thought. I do still need to deal with some ends, but other than that I am really happy with it. It's a nice couch throw size, which I what I was going for. I think I might eventually make one for our bed, but that's another day!

I also finally finished my Noni Carpet bag and got it felted, and am waiting for it to dry. Charles scarf is about half done, and I have finished the back piece of Sean's vest. I still need to take some pictures, but I think in a day or so I am going to do a picture heavy post.

Now I am off to knit some more!

December 13, 2008


There's really not much to post about when I haven't accomplished much. I am mostly done with Katie and Anthony's afghan, its just the same finishing issues I always have. The idea of picking up stitches all along the edges don't have me very motivated either, alas.

The more pressing list right now is:
a dishcloth by Wednesday
a dishcloth by Friday
a scarf by Saturday

The scarf is the least pressing, because I can technically work on it after I leave to go home, but it would be harder to do, since its for my brother, who will be home. But it might happen. I'm hoping to make the Mason Dixon dishcloth, but its sort of dependent upon the book getting here on time, which I don't think is going to happen, so this: is my backup. I think they will like it.

Eventually I am going to start on hats for Sean's nieces, and a sweater for my friends toddler. I have done the back of Sean's vest, and need to start the front. That and the wedding afghan I think are going to be the projects I take home to finish up. Ten days should equal plenty of knitting. Theoretically. When I get around to it, I will post a bunch of pictures of schtuff.